Top 5 Reasons: ThousandEyes Managed Services

Why would you want to have a ThousandEyes Managed Service? If like most businesses, you rely on cloud infrastructure and services, then you have already answered the question.

A managed service with ThousandEyes ensures your network - including the cloud - runs perfectly to support your business. Let's look at the top 5 reasons for why you would want to deploy a ThousandEyes Managed Service.

Top 5 Reasons ThousandEyes Managed Services

Ownership of Network Issues

With a Managed Service, you should expect ownership. Your issues are our issues and we need to own these on your behalf.

In doing this, there’s one less thing for you to have to worry about – you can expect inputs and outputs from our team and know that we own the issues and have your best interests at heart.


ROI on Fault Reduction

No discussion on a Managed Service is complete without looking at the Return on Investment.

ThousandEyes (Instagram)The key question you’ll have is: Is it more cost effective to insource, or outsource this function?

There is of course always cost efficiency for organisations which do the same thing over and over – such as a Managed Services.

You need to see that this positively impacts your organisation and cashflow.


The ROI can be thought of in a couple of different ways:

  • Reactive:
    • Most organisations operate in a reactive manner. Alerts happen, these get investigated and issues resolved.
    • There is time here spent in fault finding, costs with users suffering degraded performance or downtime, as well as the hidden costs of internal reputational damage
    • To calculate these costs, consider:
      • How many staff you have in your ICT support and how much of their time is split between resolving issues and undertaking project work (which actually adds value to the business)
      • The costs to staff of the impact of downtime / interruption / service degradation – this is different for every business of course
  • Pre-emptive:
    • When we talk about pre-emptive, we are looking to get to issues before they occur – or before they affect your users
    • How much would the removal off issues before they become a major problem save you as a business?
    • To calculate these costs, consider:
      • How much do ICT incidents cost you currently? This includes unproductive downtime for users, missed opportunities while staff can't work, the cost of the fault finding itself in manpower, along with the associated costs in having your helpdesk there to assist in teh first place. 

How would it look, if you could save these costs?


Convenience of Operation

A lesser – but perhaps still important factor – is the consideration of convenience.

Knowing you out outsourced a function means you don’t have to worry about it – you’ll get regular, personalised reports, along with the services to help keep your network running.

Most ICT departments have a backlog of upgrades, strategic works and project work – the convenience aspect of the Managed Service allows you to focus on the things that add value to the business, while knowing you have the network monitoring covered.


Skillset in Network Management

ThousandEyes vs DNA Center (Instagram)Using network monitoring tools can be a little bewildering at first.

It can take a while to understand what the baseline looks like and have the technical skills to both operate the software, but also to produce the reporting.

We have the ability to escalate though multiple levels of engineer, trained on the ThousandEyes software, to ensure we have expert advice for you.


Process to Setup your Managed Services

Let’s take a quick look at the overall process. There are of course a few constituent components to the service offering, which are customised for your business.

In general terms the onboarding process follows this flow:

  • Setup ThousandEyes agents on internal equipment
  • Set up synthetic traffic on external monitors
  • Work to confirm areas of importance for you, as a customer
  • Setup monthly review sessions
  • Agrees fault and issue escalation procedure


The Saas Changing Environment

It’s worth noting that we’re in a very different operating world now.

Many companies rely on Software as a Service as a major part of their operating environment. Reliance on the cloud, is – in general – a good thing. However that’s a lot of infrastructure outside of your control.

DNS records update and as you connect to your cloud resources, things can change, so having a managed environment allows for tracking of this ever changing, external network.


Thousand Eyes Managed Service: Summary

Are you ready for us to help manage, monitor and maintain your network?

DNAC Enablement 2If you’re being hit with a lot of questions about applications causing users a lot of issues and a lot of time is being spent trying to fault find, the answer is probably yes.

Equipped with specialise skills and tools, we can help you get to the answers you need more quickly, improving morale in the business and increasing trust in ICT to deliver.

Essentially most people really just want their ICT to do the things it’s meant to – with the minimum of operational inconveniences and outages. We can help with both.

If you're interested in a discussion on how Cisco ThousandEyes can bring visibility to your network management experience and help your business, drop us a line at and we'll line up a good time for a chat.


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If you’re looking for a partner to help you through the future of networking – or to help you work through the maze of how to upgrade your network, we're here to help.

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