What is Cisco SDA Fabric?

Cisco are massively moving the needle on how future networks will be designed and deployed. Cisco SDA Fabric is a term we're going to be hearing a whole lot more about. Why change something that works? In this blog, we’ll take a look at that exact question.
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Software Defined Networking: Explained

There’s multiple challenges in designing, deploying and maintaining a network environment. We can’t go through all these in one blog - there’s just too many, but in this blog, we’re going to have a quick run though on those that SDN (Software Defined Networking) can help solve.
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Cisco Meraki Dashboard

Cloud networking is a term used to describe how network equipment is configured, controlled and monitored. Cloud networking disconnects the network engineers from needing a console cable to get network equipment up and running and allows for remote configuration, ahead of the deployment to take place and the config be deployed to the equipment when it[…]
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Cisco SD Access Deployment

At IPTel we've been working on the deployed of Cisco SD Access. This is pretty new technology for most people and so has a bit of mystery to how this is deployed. In this blog, we'll take a look at how a real world deployment of Cisco SD Access looks.
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Cisco Meraki Switching

Cisco Meraki Switching brings the simplicity of cloud based configuration to the LAN, allowing configuration in the cloud and download to the switch when it connects - not a console cable in sight. Ease of use is at the centre of the Meraki experience and the Meraki Switching doe not disappoint.
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Cisco Machine Learning and AI

The world is talking about the benefits that Machine Learning and AI will bring to us. Often hyped up and part of a story warning us of out of control robots, the future use of these technologies in networking is rather more benign – they will help us to monitor and maintain a network.
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Education Campus Technology: Top 5 Future Ideas

In terms of networking, educational establishments are often at the forefront of the technology wave. For Universities, colleges and large schools alike, they have the opportunity to test out the latest and greatest innovations in networking – making the technology work for them, and then reaping the benefits of deploying at scale.
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Cisco SD Access: Scalable Group Tags

One of the Cisco Digital Networking Architecture corner stone concepts is Software Defined Access (or simply, SD Access). One of the key components is the use of Scalable Group Tags (SGTs) and these form a cornerstone of the SD Access story.
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eBooks and Whitepapers

Here are our current eBooks and Whitepapers: Free eBooks and Whitepapers - download today and learn from our experts on networking topics that interest you.
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Cisco SDA Fabric Key Concepts

Software Defined Architecture is the concept that we can configure the network from a centralised management system. In the case of Cisco, this is DNA Center. SDA removes us as engineers from the CLI configuration layer, although the physical layer still needs careful design in order to ensure no single points of failure and that the physical design is[…]
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