IPTel Solutions

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Cisco Secure Network Analytics

Do you ever wonder what is happening on your network? Sometimes it seems slow, clients don’t seem to act the way you think they should and you have a suspicion you might have been hacked.
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Cisco Secure Access (SSE)

The new era of hybrid work requires a revised approach to security, and SSE (Security Service Edge) is a key enabler of any organization’s hybrid-work strategy. Cisco Secure Access is a converged cloud security SSE solution, grounded in zero trust, that provides seamless, transparent, and secure access from anything to anywhere. This solution ushers in[…]
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What is Cisco SDA Fabric?

Cisco are massively moving the needle on how future networks will be designed and deployed. Cisco SDA Fabric is a term we're going to be hearing a whole lot more about. Why change something that works? In this blog, we’ll take a look at that exact question.
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ThousandEyes vs DNA Center

When you're considering the mix of network management and fault finding applications, you need to consider how they'll all fit together. It's not a case of ThousandEyes vs DNA Center, but more how these two tools fit together they're both ones you'll want to have in your mix of network management and fault finding.
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Wi-Fi Design 101

Welcome to an IPTel blog covering Wi-Fi Design 101 and all that's involved in producing the highest performing network possible! There's a lot to the process of Wi-Fi Design and Implementation - hopefully this blog helps.
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Wi-Fi Troubleshooting: How to Fault Find a Wi-Fi Network

Wi-Fi Troubleshooting is a specialist networking discipline all of its own. Over the years we have dealt with a large amount of bugs in controller code, old drivers on devices, chipsets that can’t roam properly, interference, rogue APs causing interference, incorrectly configured equipment and so on – the list of possible reasons for faults is a long[…]
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Improve Wi-Fi Performance: 5 Principles of Elastic Wi-Fi

Elastic Wi-Fi. It’s probably not a term you’ve heard before in relation to wireless and Wi-Fi. I’m going to run through some principles I’ve learnt over a few years in the business to help you improve Wi-Fi performance, but first, I’ll digress...
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Clinical Wi-Fi Design: Top 5 Tips

This week, I wanted to look at what it takes to build a clinical grade Wi-Fi network. We've worked on and upgraded lots of hospitals that just didn't have a fit for purpose Wi-Fi network. Building Wi-Fi in hospitals is unique - there are lots of use cases, critical reliance on the technology and the building fabric is often different throughout the[…]
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Cisco DNA Spaces Introduction

Cisco DNA Spaces is a location aware, task management cloud-based application. What does that mean in plain English? It can track objects and people and display the results on a web-based dashboard that's easy to use. Factor in the ability to be able to undertake tasks and trigger outcomes and you have a pretty interesting product.
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Bringing Our Wi-Fi Expertise to the Home

In today's digital age, a strong and reliable Wi-Fi connection is the lifeblood of our homes. Whether you're streaming your favourite shows, working from home, or connecting with loved ones, a well-optimized home Wi-Fi network is essential.
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