IPTel Solutions

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Stadium Wi-Fi

Stadiums are tricky places to design and deploy Wi-Fi. Seating arrangements change, densities of the crowd and the use of the space all have to be accommodated in the design. Add to this the difficulty of where to actually put and AP and you need to have some handy tricks up your sleeve - enter the Cisco Catalyst 9104 reconfigurable antenna.
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Cisco SD Access Deployment

At IPTel we've been working on the deployed of Cisco SD Access. This is pretty new technology for most people and so has a bit of mystery to how this is deployed. In this blog, we'll take a look at how a real world deployment of Cisco SD Access looks.
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Wi-Fi Terminology

Wi-Fi is littered with acronyms! If you want to understand a bit more on what each of these mean, we've put together this simple to understand guide.
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Cisco Meraki Switching

Cisco Meraki Switching brings the simplicity of cloud based configuration to the LAN, allowing configuration in the cloud and download to the switch when it connects - not a console cable in sight. Ease of use is at the centre of the Meraki experience and the Meraki Switching doe not disappoint.
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Wi-Fi Phone Dropouts

Today's businesses are becoming increasingly reliant on reliable voice over Wi-Fi services. Correct AP placement and RF design are of utmost importance.
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Anatomy of an Access Point

There are three main components to a Wi-Fi Access Point, each of which are critical to its function: Radio Antenna The CPU There are many different ways to split the three components above, but every Wi-Fi solution has all three components.
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Wi-Fi 7

Wi-Fi 7 is on the way, and while we have yet to fully deploy Wi-Fi 6E, with the advantages of the 6GHz spectrum, the next standard is not too far away.
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Introduction to Wi-Fi

We all use Wi-Fi all the time. There's a lot to learn for the beginner, so in this blog, we hope to familiarise you with some of the key concepts!
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Networking Security Basics

There are many confusing terms for newcomers to the world of networking. In this blog, we're going to explore some of the very common network security terms and what they mean.
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Cisco Capital

Cisco Capital is a great way for businesses to make use of very low rate finance to bring forward capital investments - and have these funded across a period. Deploy the technology you need today and gradually this for this over time - smooth out the cashflow,
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