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Cisco Spaces Applications

Cisco Spaces is an application to support location services. These are so much more than just a dot on a map type applications these days - full features, task oriented applications using location are now hot property - and the ROI that goes along with them proves the point.
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Managed Services - D15 Security Service Edge

Security Service Edge, or SSE for short, is a concept that's been around since about 2021. SSE is all about how you help your remote workforce secure access to their cloud applications - while you continue to centrally manage your policy. There's a bit to it - let's take a look in this blog.
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Free Cisco eBooks - Enterprise Wi-Fi and Catalyst Center

If you like you keep yourself current within the realms of Enterprise Networking, I've got a treat for you.
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Wi-Fi Grades

When any business embarks on a wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) upgrade, it opens up a great many possibilities for supporting new services, as well as adopting a much more mobile approach to the workforce. The grade at which your Wireless LAN has been designed, will dictate the services it can support.
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Clinical RTLS: Call Assist

Real Time Location Services (or RTLS for short) describes a range of technologies used to track and locate people and equipment. Often there is a task / messaging engine overlaid, in order to bring the technology to life and integrate it into the operational processes. In this blog, we'll take a look at the Call Assist use case.
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Meraki Cameras in Retail

The world is awash with Artificial Intelligence applications these days - and applications that can connect with your Meraki cameras are no different. Here's a blog with some ideas on how to extend the value of your Meraki camera install in the retail environment.
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Clinical RTLS: Clinical Fridge Temperature Monitoring Device

Fridge temperature monitoring? Why would you want to do that? There is one area where this is critical - and that's in the clinical space.
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Copper vs Fibre

What's in a cable type? In this blog, we'll give you some basic information on the types of cabling you might see when installing networking equipment.
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Cisco 9800 WLC High Availability

The Cisco 9800 WLC comes in a range of options, from the high throughout 9800-80 down to the cloud based virtual WLCs. The controller has a number of built in features that help increase the uptime of the controller – something you’d expect with a high-end wireless controller from Cisco.
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Teamwork - Network Installation

I've been wanting to write a blog for a little while now on the subject of teamwork. This, of course, is against the backdrop of what we do as a company - network design and commission. For many outsiders, it's a surprise to see that there's actually a fair bit of manual work in network deployment, and there in lies the great opportunity to work and[…]
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