IPTel Solutions

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Clinical Asset Tracking

Clinical asset tracking is all about finding the asset you want, when you want it. Clinical staff spend a lot of wasted time searching for an asset, which sometimes are stored for safekeeping in out of the way places.
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New Technology: Wi-Fi 6E and 6GHz Explained

The Wi-Fi Alliance has announced the name for the upcoming standard for the introduction of the 6GHz band to Wi-Fi. This will be a major, major update to Wi-Fi and be transformational to all Wi-Fi users. Read more below on the introduction of 6GHz to the Wi-Fi band: Wi-Fi 6E. This blog is some of my musings on what might be – like most Wi-Fi engineers[…]
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Cisco Webex Calling

Webex Calling brings the agility, ease of use and simplicity of the cloud to IP Telephony. What does this mean? You no longer need an on-premise PBX (with the option of a local gateway), so the install, commission and operation of your telephony is a whole lot simpler.
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Clinical RTLS: Nursecall Integration

Nursecall systems are used to signal to the clinical staff that help is needed in a specific room and is typically done via a button on the wall of a patients room. What if it were possible to be able to switch on the presence light and automatically cancel nursecall when you walked into the room?
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What is EIRP: EIRP vs Transmit Power

What power is your AP Transmitting at? With Cisco APs, we can see a power level, which is normally in the range of 1 - 8 (1-6 for some APs), but what is the actual dB power level the AP is transmitting at? This is a combination of a lot of factors - let's take a look.
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How does Cisco AI-Enhanced RRM Work

In essence, Cisco AI-Enhanced RRM is making use of the normal RRM features. These tools are essentially set to automatic mode, and AI-Enhanced RRM makes use of these to tune the network. Based upon the analysis of your anonymised data, AI-Enhanced RRM sends back instructions from the cloud to your Cisco DNA Center on how best to optimise these features.
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The Importance of Networking in Aged Care

Technology delivered in the aged care sector has a range of business outcomes to produce - not least to improve the lives residents and staff alike. The Royal Commission highlighted a range of improvements that need to occur in aged care - and ICT technology has a role to play in helping achieve this.
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Meraki Site to Site VPN

Time Poor? You only need a minute to Set Up a Cisco Meraki Site-to-Site VPN. VPNs can be confusing and time consuming to setup. There's every chance of making a mistake and leaving your network with a security risk. Meraki AutoVPN is here to help.
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Wi-Fi Troubleshooting: Evidence for a Wi-Fi Review: Pt 2

Wi-Fi reviews are not the easiest of things. Unlike fault finding most networking, Wi-Fi has the added complexity of RF - and all those multitude of clients. In this blog, we'll take a measured run through on where to start in your fault finding journey.
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Managed Services FAQ - Part 2

Welcome to the second in a series of blogs centred around Managed Services and common Managed Services - Customer FAQ's. This blog expands on some of the topics we discussed in Part 1
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