How does Cisco AI-Enhanced RRM Work

In essence, Cisco AI-Enhanced RRM is making use of the normal RRM features. These tools are essentially set to automatic mode, and AI-Enhanced RRM makes use of these to tune the network. Based upon the analysis of your anonymised data, AI-Enhanced RRM sends back instructions from the cloud to your Cisco DNA Center on how best to optimise these features.
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Wi-Fi Troubleshooting: Evidence for a Wi-Fi Review: Pt 2

Wi-Fi reviews are not the easiest of things. Unlike fault finding most networking, Wi-Fi has the added complexity of RF - and all those multitude of clients. In this blog, we'll take a measured run through on where to start in your fault finding journey.
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Cisco SDA Fabric Key Concepts

Software Defined Architecture is the concept that we can configure the network from a centralised management system. In the case of Cisco, this is DNA Center. SDA removes us as engineers from the CLI configuration layer, although the physical layer still needs careful design in order to ensure no single points of failure and that the physical design is[…]
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Wi-Fi Troubleshooting: How to Review a Wi-Fi Installation - Part 1

We are getting more and more requests to review Wi-Fi networks which aren't quite meeting the specification. Many customers are finding that companies which don't truly understand Wi-Fi - or how to make it work - have deployed their network and are either incapable of making it work or don't care.
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Free eBook: Top 8 Secrets to Great Wi-Fi.

FREE eBook Download: Top 8 Secrets to Great Wi-Fi We all love Wi-Fi these days – whether at work, travelling or just at home with Netflix. Wi-Fi has become both ubiquitous and something we truly rely on for our day-to-day work; it’s become business critical for many companies.
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Wi-Fi 6 CIO Briefing

As a CIO you’ll need to decide not only the technology direction your organisation will take, but more importantly when you will decide to deploy. Wi-Fi is a fundamental networking technology for any business. If you haven't yet upgraded to Wi-Fi 6, here's our CIOs guide for when you should do this.
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Cisco Private 5G

Cisco Private 5G gives business the opportunity to run their own mobile network. This isn’t a simple undertaking of course, but it does offer some valuable benefits for businesses that have the right use cases.
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Wi-Fi Design and the Cinema Story

Wi-Fi works with radio waves. These are similar in nature to sound you can hear (not exactly, but let me have a little artistic licence). Why do you need to have Wi-Fi that works within reasonable RF power bounds? I've come up with a little story to help. Let's translate Wi-Fi in to audio. So here's the story..
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Wi-Fi Channel Power: Not all Channels are the Same

When designing a new wireless network, RF power levels are often overlooked or misunderstood. Depending on the type of deployment, power levels can have a great impact on client performance and reliability. And here's the catch - not all Wi-Fi channels run at the same power!
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Cisco RX-SOP: How to Turn Down the Noise

Cisco RX-SOP is a feature that de-tunes the receive sensitivity of an Wi-Fi Access Points. Essentially what feature is doing is to tell the AP to ignore transmissions it hears below a certain threshold - it's not removing the traffic from the air, but allowing the AP to ignore it and be able to talk over the top of background noise.
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