Aged Care Wi-Fi

Aged Care is pressing ahead with modernisation in their ICT and Wi-Fi is a major part of the mix. The ability to provide a lot of services - quickly deploying new services - as well as enabling mobility are major draw cards for Aged Care. Let's take a look at what this means.
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Free eBook: Top 8 Secrets to Great Wi-Fi.

FREE eBook Download: Top 8 Secrets to Great Wi-Fi We all love Wi-Fi these days – whether at work, travelling or just at home with Netflix. Wi-Fi has become both ubiquitous and something we truly rely on for our day-to-day work; it’s become business critical for many companies.
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Cisco Umbrella

There’s lot of security products on the market – and plenty of scare stories about how you need to secure your network. If you use Cisco or Meraki, Cisco has an excellent set of products in the security space – and one of the major ones is Cisco Umbrella.
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Perpetual POE

You may not be aware, but the Perpetual POE feature allows a switch to continue to power devices connected to the switch, during a reboot. This is to ensure your network is back online as soon as possible after a rebook, as all your end devices are still up.
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Effect of Trees on Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi in all its forms relies on good signal propagation. Signals are attenuated by various objects - it's not that well known, but trees are a particularly attenuating object - let's take a look!
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Wi-Fi 6 CIO Briefing

As a CIO you’ll need to decide not only the technology direction your organisation will take, but more importantly when you will decide to deploy. Wi-Fi is a fundamental networking technology for any business. If you haven't yet upgraded to Wi-Fi 6, here's our CIOs guide for when you should do this.
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Cisco Private 5G

Cisco Private 5G gives business the opportunity to run their own mobile network. This isn’t a simple undertaking of course, but it does offer some valuable benefits for businesses that have the right use cases.
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Recessed AP Installation

We all love Wi-Fi, but you've got to install your access points somewhere. Typically they're installed on the T-Bar of a suspended ceiling - sometimes though you have to secure the AP, or hide it for aesthetics reasons. In this blog, we'll look at some options.
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Wi-Fi 6

Wi-Fi 6 has been around for a little while now. It's a mature technology with quite a lot left on the roadmap (Wi-Fi 6E for example). If you've not upgraded yet, here are some compelling reasons why it is the time is right to do so.
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Wi-Fi Design and the Cinema Story

Wi-Fi works with radio waves. These are similar in nature to sound you can hear (not exactly, but let me have a little artistic licence). Why do you need to have Wi-Fi that works within reasonable RF power bounds? I've come up with a little story to help. Let's translate Wi-Fi in to audio. So here's the story..
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