New Technology: Wi-Fi 6E and 6GHz Explained

Wi-Fi Alliance has announced the name for the upcoming standard for the introduction of the 6GHz band to Wi-Fi. This will be a major, major update to Wi-Fi and be transformational to all Wi-Fi users. Read more below on the introduction of 6GHz to the Wi-Fi band: Wi-Fi 6E. This blog is some of my musings on what might be – like most Wi-Fi engineers out[…]
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MazeMap - The Future of Hospital Wayfinding

Finding your way around a hospital can be challenging for patients, hospital visitors and employees. While there is always directional signage, it is a static resource. MazeMap provides a solution to this challenge with their easy-to-use indoor maps, allowing visitors to receive graphical turn-by-turn directions on any mobile device.
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eBooks and Whitepapers

Here are our current eBooks and Whitepapers: Free eBooks and Whitepapers - download today and learn from our experts on networking topics that interest you.
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Clinical RTLS: Nursecall Integration

Nursecall systems are used to signal to the clinical staff that help is needed in a specific room and is typically done via a button on the wall of a patients room. What if it were possible to be able to switch on the presence light and automatically cancel nursecall when you walked into the room?
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What is EIRP: EIRP vs Transmit Power

What power is your AP Transmitting at? With Cisco APs, we can see a power level, which is normally in the range of 1 - 8 (1-6 for some APs), but what is the actual dB power level the AP is transmitting at? This is a combination of a lot of factors - let's take a look.
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How does Cisco AI-Enhanced RRM Work

In essence, Cisco AI-Enhanced RRM is making use of the normal RRM features. These tools are essentially set to automatic mode, and AI-Enhanced RRM makes use of these to tune the network. Based upon the analysis of your anonymised data, AI-Enhanced RRM sends back instructions from the cloud to your Cisco DNA Center on how best to optimise these features.
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The Importance of Networking in Aged Care

Technology delivered in the aged care sector has a range of business outcomes to produce - not least to improve the lives residents and staff alike. The Royal Commission highlighted a range of improvements that need to occur in aged care - and ICT technology has a role to play in helping achieve this.
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Why too many SSIDS are bad for your Wi-Fi

Today's Wi-fi has become indispensable. Wi-Fi networks are expected to handle an increasing number of devices, and users, all while maintaining high performance and security. In this blog, we'll review how to use iPSK to consolidate the number of SSIDs - and clean up the Wi-Fi spectrum in the process.
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SSID Consolidation with iPSK

Many network administrators have ended up enabling more and more SSIDs to meet the needs of the business. This is bad news for Wi-Fi, with each SSID sending beacons and collectively, using precious bandwidth. iPSK is one option to help remediate.
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Meraki Site to Site VPN

Time Poor? You only need a minute to Set Up a Cisco Meraki Site-to-Site VPN. VPNs can be confusing and time consuming to setup. There's every chance of making a mistake and leaving your network with a security risk. Meraki AutoVPN is here to help.
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