
Meraki Made Simple

Written by IPTel Solutions | 25 November 2024 3:42:34 AM

Meraki can help manage your network. Every business has to run a network, but why not make it as simple to manage as possible. 

Take a look at this fun video from Meraki - this is how Meraki delivers simple networking.

Meraki Made Simple:  Meet Dave

Dave is an IT Guy: he's looking after the inhouse network. One day though all the users start bringing in a lot more devices.

Sound familiar?

Dave has no more budget, but he has a lot of challenges to manage the network.

 In the short video below, we take a look at the challenges Dave faces, with an ever expanding list of requirements for his network to deliver - and how Cisco Meraki can help.

Drop us a line at, or if you're ready to hear about some great pricing for Meraki, complete our Request a Quote form.

Let's meet Dave!


Meet Dave: How Meraki can help Manage your network

Take a look at this fun video from Meraki - this is how Meraki delivers simple networking. Click on the Video below to view - don't forget to have your speakers on!

There you have it. Dave's life is a lot simpler now he has Meraki.


What is Meraki?

The brainiacs at MIT started Meraki and the solution for Dave started there.

Cloud based networking makes Dave's life easy: it's easy to install, but the ground breaking feature is that the whole network is managed via the cloud - no more on premise management stations. 

In the short video below, we see all of Dave's networking challenges and how they're solved with the use of Meraki cloud technology.


Meraki Made Simple: Meet Dave: Summary

Thanks for viewing the video. Dave certainly has his work cut out out! The range of devices supported by modern networks is growing at a fast pace.

Many workers now work equally from home and in the office - there are a lot more laptops and mobile devices to contend with. 

How do you manage an increasing workload with no additional budget? The answer is to take a new approach and this is where Meraki helps. 

Cloud based networking means you are managing your network from your web browser - no need to install complex and difficult management stations.

With the range of Meraki products available, you've got a solution for all your networking equipment - Meraki switches, security and routing appliances, through to Wi-Fi access points and cameras.

There's no easier way to manage your enterprise and branch office networking. 


Interested to know More?

Drop us a line at, or if you're ready to hear about some great pricing for Meraki, complete our Request a Quote form.

We're here to help! If your network needs taming and you want a nice easy network to manage in future, Meraki is for you.